Follow the 3Ds to easily protect from noise
Lower DECIBEL (dB, noise level)
Lower the volume, use Hearing Protection Devices
Lower DURATION (time in sound. listening time)
Cut down on listening time of loud sound
Increase DISTANCE from loud noise source
This way you can still enjoy the experience ​​
Take listening breaks from repeated loud sounds
Single unsafe sound may cause temporary damage
Closely repeated unsafe sound Permanent damage
Give your ears time to recover from unsafe noise; typically takes 1 -2 days
Plan quiet activities if you have had loud events the day before
Find a quiet space when you are in a noisy environment for taking small breaks (e.g. step outside)
Take breaks when using loud equipment
Plan work shifts to reduce exposure to noisy machines ​​​​
There are other steps you can take to protect from noise in the workplace, at home
For noisy workplaces, follow OSHA required Hearing Conservation Program
Noise exposure monitoring
Engineering and administrative controls
Audiometric evaluation
Hearing protection devices
Education and motivation
Record keeping
Program evaluation
Program audit
Loud sounds at home
Dispose/replace noisy equipment
Check ‘dB’ rating on appliances, tools
Control volume of TVs, music systems
Install sound barriers around noisy tools, equipments
Use ATLAS RESONATE App to check dB and Safe Listen time in a loud noise place
Plan how long you can stay in that time
Take breaks
Move away from sound
Plan on quiet activities
Take steps to protect from noise in the workplace and at home
Enjoy your lifestyle the experience while protecting your hearing