How the App functions
SAFE LISTEN TIMES based on dBs of ENVIRONMENT (sounds around you) and HEADPHONE sounds
ENVIRONMENT sounds are recorded by your phone's microphone
HEADPHONE sounds are recorded by your phone
Resonate App uses the NIOSH98 formula
The allowable daily noise dose is 85 dB over 8 hours
To calculate safe listen times of dBs from environment and headphone
This formula is also used for setting maximum output limits of hearing aids
Displays color-coded results for easy checking
Green: Less than 50% of allowable daily dose
Yellow: 50-75% of dose
Orange: 75-100% dose
Red: More than 100% dose
For Environment Sound dBs and Safe Listen Times
Go to LISTEN screen
Spot check
Get immediate dB with corresponding safe listen time
Log measurement
Log in the amount of time you expect to spend in that sound environment
App does a quick sampling and calculates total dB per formula
This preserves phone battery
Logging is important to get an estimate of dB exposure throughout the day
Headphone Sound dBs
Do nothing
Phone stores this information which is used by the App
Check Daily and Weekly history of safe listening
Go to HISTORY page
Get your daily and weekly color-coded reports for 'Environment', 'Headphone' or 'Combined'
Suggested actions for safe listening and eTool learning
Go to INFO
Your dashboard with dB log and safe listen tip
​Instant Safe Listen Times for dB with options to log
Headphone listening history
Combined listening history for a week