Noise Induced Hearing Loss is caused by noise and listening time above a safe limit* ​​
With hearing loss, it is important to protect from unsafe noise that may help prevent worsening of hearing
Hearing aids do not protect from loud noises
You need to remove hearing aids when the surrounding sound is uncomfortably loud or painful​ (per FDA)
You can take steps to protect from loud noises - environment and audio streaming
Estimate sound levels (decibels, dB) and Safe Listen Times
Make decision about when to remove your hearing aids
Take steps, including wearing hearing protection, to protect your natural hearing
Use of this eTool, as part of your healthy lifestyle, may help lower risk of Noise Induced Hearing Loss
Can be used with optional ATLAS Resonate App (iOS only)
* NIOSH-98 allowable exposure times for hearing loss protection and hearing conservation
This eTool references information from:
FDA: Food and Drug Administration
NIH: National Institutes for Health
NIOSH: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration​​
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